HEX to Binary

HEX to Binary

Transform Hexadecimal Values into Binary

About our HEX-to-Binary Converter

OnlineToolsArena is a hub for free online converters and tools. Our platform provides a smooth and uninterrupted experience. We assure you that you can quickly and efficiently convert your documents, images, and more. No downloads, no hidden fees—just reliable, fast, and secure conversions at your fingertips. Simplify your digital tasks with our easily operated HEX to Binary. Our HEX to Binary is an online tool that operates in a very user-friendly manner. Every converter in OnlineToolsArena is designed to handle every task accurately and perfectly. Using our converter, you will not waste time downloading any software or dealing with any signup hassle. So feel free to convert and customize your file, documents, images, and more. Fast and secure.

What is HEX?

HEX, which stands for hexadecimal, is a numeric system based on 16 different symbols representing numbers. These characters are 0-9 for values 0 to 9, and A-F for values between ten and fifteen. Here's how the HEX system looks:

0,1,2,3,4.56789 ABCDEF

Each symbol represents a particular value. For example, A stands for 10, B represents 11 and so on. Thanks to its compatibility with binary, HEX is widely utilized in many different fields, including computer science and programming.


HEX-to-Binary Conversion Chart


HEX Binary Decimal ASCII Character
00 0000 0000 0 NUL
01 0000 0001 1 SOH
02 0000 0010 2 STX
03 0000 0011 3 ETX
04 0000 0100 4 EOT
05 0000 0101 5 ENQ
06 0000 0110 6 ACK
07 0000 0111 7 BEL
08 0000 1000 8 BS
09 0000 1001 9 HT
0A 0000 1010 10 LF
0B 0000 1011 11 VT
0C 0000 1100 12 FF
0D 0000 1101 13 CR
0E 0000 1110 14 SO
0F 0000 1111 15 SI
10 0001 0000 16 DLE
11 0001 0001 17 DC1
12 0001 0010 18 DC2
13 0001 0011 19 DC3
14 0001 0100 20 DC4
15 0001 0101 21 NAK
16 0001 0110 22 SYN
17 0001 0111 23 ETB
18 0001 1000 24 CAN
19 0001 1001 25 EM
1A 0001 1010 26 SUB
1B 0001 1011 27 ESC
1C 0001 1100 28 FS
1D 0001 1101 29 GS
1E 0001 1110 30 RS
1F 0001 1111 31 US
20 0010 0000 32 Space
21 0010 0001 33 !
22 0010 0010 34 "
23 0010 0011 35 #
24 0010 0100 36 $
25 0010 0101 37 %
26 0010 0110 38 &
27 0010 0111 39 '
28 0010 1000 40 (
29 0010 1001 41 )
2A 0010 1010 42 *
2B 0010 1011 43 +
2C 0010 1100 44 ,
2D 0010 1101 45 -
2E 0010 1110 46 .
2F 0010 1111 47 /
30 0011 0000 48 0
31 0011 0001 49 1
32 0011 0010 50 2
33 0011 0011 51 3
34 0011 0100 52 4
35 0011 0101 53 5
36 0011 0110 54 6
37 0011 0111 55 7
38 0011 1000 56 8
39 0011 1001 57 9
3A 0011 1010 58 :
3B 0011 1011 59 ;
3C 0011 1100 60 <
3D 0011 1101 61 =
3E 0011 1110 62 >
3F 0011 1111 63 ?
40 0100 0000 64 @
41 0100 0001 65 A
42 0100 0010 66 B
43 0100 0011 67 C
44 0100 0100 68 D
45 0100 0101 69 E
46 0100 0110 70 F
47 0100 0111 71 G
48 0100 1000 72 H
49 0100 1001 73 I
4A 0100 1010 74 J
4B 0100 1011 75 K
4C 0100 1100 76 L
4D 0100 1101 77 M
4E 0100 1110 78 N
4F 0100 1111 79 O
50 0101 0000 80 P
51 0101 0001 81 Q
52 0101 0010 82 R
53 0101 0011 83 S
54 0101 0100 84 T
55 0101 0101 85 U
56 0101 0110 86 V
57 0101 0111 87 W
58 0101 1000 88 X
59 0101 1001 89 Y
5A 0101 1010 90 Z
5B 0101 1011 91 [
5C 0101 1100 92 \
5D 0101 1101 93 ]
5E 0101 1110 94 ^
5F 0101 1111 95 _
60 0110 0000 96 `
61 0110 0001 97 a
62 0110 0010 98 b
63 0110 0011 99 c
64 0110 0100 100 d
65 0110 0101 101 e
66 0110 0110 102 f
67 0110 0111 103 g
68 0110 1000 104 h
69 0110 1001 105 i
6A 0110 1010 106 j
6B 0110 1011 107 k
6C 0110 1100 108 l
6D 0110 1101 109 m
6E 0110 1110 110 n
6F 0110 1111 111 o
70 0111 0000 112 p
71 0111 0001 113 q
72 0111 0010 114 r
73 0111 0011 115 s
74 0111 0100 116 t
75 0111 0101 117 u
76 0111 0110 118 v
77 0111 0111 119 w
78 0111 1000 120 x
79 0111 1001 121 y
7A 0111 1010 122 z
7B 0111 1011 123 {
7C 0111 1100 124 |
7D 0111 1101 125 }
7E 0111 1110 126 ~


HEX to Binary

How To Use Our HEX to Binary Converter

Using our HEX to binary conversion tool is a straightforward process:

Input: Put the HEX value you want to convert into.

Conversion: Click the "Convert" button, and our tool will immediately show you binary representation for each HEX value.

Copy or Use: You may copy the binary result as you like or proceed with any digital operations requiring a form of binary data.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why do we need HEX codes in computing?

The reason HEX is used in computing calculations, however, is to create a more human-readable and compact representation of binary data. Every HEX digit equals four binary digits, which is convenient for programmers PC Working with memory addresses and byte values as well as other forms of information in binaries.

Can I turn binary back to HEX?

Yes, you can change binary back to HEX using a similar method but in reverse. Group binary digits into fours (nibbles), convert each nibble to its decimal equivalent, and then let the decimals be hexadecimal.

How is HEX different from decimal?

The most important difference is in the base of the numeral systems. decimal is base-10. It uses 10 symbols (from zero to nine), while HEX is base-64, with 62 Symbols (all digits and letters are counted).


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Online Tools Arena is a Free Online Web tool and Converter. We Offer Online Free Content Writing & Text Tools, Images Editing Tools, Online Calculators, Unit Converter, Binary Converter, Website Management, Development Tools and many more.

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