ASCII to Binary

ASCII to Binary

Quick Binary Encoding

About our ASCII to Binary Converter

OnlineToolsArena is a hub for free online converters and tools. Our platform provides a smooth and uninterrupted experience. We assure you that you can quickly and efficiently convert your documents, images, and more. No downloads, no hidden fees—just reliable, fast, and secure conversions at your fingertips. Simplify your digital tasks with our easily operated ASCII to Binary. Our ASCII-to-Binary is an online tool that operates in a very user-friendly manner. Every converter in OnlineToolsArena is designed to handle every task accurately and perfectly. Using our converter, you will not waste time downloading any software or dealing with any signup hassle. So feel free to convert and customize your file, documents, images, and more. Fast and secure.

What is ASCII?

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a standard character encoding format used in computers and communication equipment to represent text characters. Yet, for every character—letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and special symbols alike—it gives a unique numerical value. This standard was established in the early 1960s to guarantee compatibility between different computer systems and peripherals.



ASCII to Binary Conversion Chart


ASCII Character Binary Representation
! 00100001
" 00100010
# 00100011
$ 00100100
% 00100101
& 00100110
' 00100111
( 00101000
) 00101001
* 00101010
+ 00101011
, 00101100
- 00101101
. 00101110
/ 00101111
0 00110000
1 00110001
2 00110010
3 00110011
4 00110100
5 00110101
6 00110110
7 00110111
8 00111000
9 00111001
: 00111010
; 00111011
< 00111100
= 00111101
> 00111110
? 00111111
@ 01000000
A 01000001
B 01000010
C 01000011
D 01000100
E 01000101
F 01000110
G 01000111
H 01001000
I 01001001
J 01001010
K 01001011
L 01001100
M 01001101
N 01001110
O 01001111
P 01010000
Q 01010001
R 01010010
S 01010011
T 01010100
U 01010101
V 01010110
W 01010111
X 01011000
Y 01011001
Z 01011010
[ 01011011
\ 01011100
] 01011101
^ 01011110
_ 01011111
` 01100000
a 01100001
b 01100010
c 01100011
d 01100100
e 01100101
f 01100110
g 01100111
h 01101000
i 01101001
j 01101010
k 01101011
l 01101100
m 01101101
n 01101110
o 01101111
p 01110000
q 01110001
r 01110010
s 01110011
t 01110100
u 01110101
v 01110110
w 01110111
x 01111000
y 01111001
z 01111010
{ 01111011
| 01111100
} 01111101
~ 01111110


ASCII to Binary


Why is ASCII important in computing?

ASCII ensures compatibility between different computer systems and peripherals. It provides a basis for character encoding and is integral to data processing, storage, and transmission.

How do you convert ASCII to binary?

To convert ASCII to binary, identify the ASCII character, find its ASCII code (decimal value), convert the decimal value to binary, and pad with leading zeros if necessary to get a 7-bit binary code.

Why convert ASCII to binary?

Converting ASCII to binary is important for efficient data storage, compression, faster processing, and simplifying computer logic. It enables accurate transmission and storage of data in binary form.

What are some practical uses of ASCII to binary conversion?

Practical uses include text encoding for SMS and emails, file storage for documents and media, internet and web development, file transfers, and ensuring accurate data reconstruction.


Online Tools Arena

Online Tools Arena is a Free Online Web tool and Converter. We Offer Online Free Content Writing & Text Tools, Images Editing Tools, Online Calculators, Unit Converter, Binary Converter, Website Management, Development Tools and many more.

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