Text to Octal

Text to Octal

Translating Text into Octal Numbers

What is Octal?

To get the idea of turning text into octal, you need to know what "octal" means. Octal is a way of counting that uses 8 digits, which are zero, one, two, three and so on till seven. This is different to our everyday counting system (base 10), that uses ten numbers from zero to nine. Octal is a special number scheme like decimal. Here, the worth of a digit relies on its spot in the figure. For example, in the number '123' that is written with eights (octal), 1 means one times eight squared. Two represents two multiplied by eight once. And finally, three shows as three times just normal numbers or ones without any power to them, like zero, not needing anything more since it doesn't need higher powers from right direction, starting at left end for counting up

Text Conversion

Changing text to octal is a way of turning something that you can read into hex numbers. This change is very important in the area of code writing, protection and keeping data safe. Let's see some parts of changing text into octal.


Text to Octal Conversion Table


Character ASCII (Decimal) Binary Octal Calculation
H 72 1001000 110 72 (Decimal) = 1001000 (Binary) = 110 (Octal)
e 101 1100101 145 101 (Decimal) = 1100101 (Binary) = 145 (Octal)
l 108 1101100 154 108 (Decimal) = 1101100 (Binary) = 154 (Octal)
l 108 1101100 154 108 (Decimal) = 1101100 (Binary) = 154 (Octal)
o 111 1101111 157 111 (Decimal) = 1101111 (Binary) = 157 (Octal)
W 87 1010111 127 87 (Decimal) = 1010111 (Binary) = 127 (Octal)
o 111 1101111 157 111 (Decimal) = 1101111 (Binary) = 157 (Octal)
r 114 1110010 162 114 (Decimal) = 1110010 (Binary) = 162 (Octal)
d 100 1100100 144 100 (Decimal) = 1100100 (Binary) = 144 (Octal)




Example 1: Convert "B" to Octal

  1. Character: B
  2. ASCII (Decimal): 66
  3. Binary: 1000010
  4. Octal: 102


  • B in ASCII is 66
  • 66 in Decimal is 1000010 in Binary
  • 1000010 in Binary is 102 in Octal

Example 2: Convert "M" to Octal

  1. Character: M
  2. ASCII (Decimal): 77
  3. Binary: 1001101
  4. Octal: 115


  • M in ASCII is 77
  • 77 in Decimal is 1001101 in Binary
  • 1001101 in Binary is 115 in Octal

Example 3: Convert "X" to Octal

  1. Character: X
  2. ASCII (Decimal): 88
  3. Binary: 1011000
  4. Octal: 130


  • X in ASCII is 88
  • 88 in Decimal is 1011000 in Binary
  • 1011000 in Binary is 130 in Octal


How To Use Our Converter

Input your text: Put the words you want to change into octals in the box.

Click Convert: Press the "Convert" button, and you'll get your text changed into octal form really fast.

Copy and Use: Take the number written in 8s and use it for coding, hiding information, or keeping data safe as required.


Why do we use octal in programming?

Octal is used in programming for many reasons. It can show how files are accessed, tell us about the numbers in code, and make it easy to work with binary data or something like that. It is very important for tasks like making code and managing computer systems.

Is octal still important in today's computing?

Although hexadecimal is now used more in computers because it works well with binary, octal still has old importance and may come up sometimes in certain situations, like file permissions for Unix-style OS.

Can I use OnlineToolsArena's Text to Octal Converter without paying?

Yes, OnlineToolsArena gives the Text to Octal Converter tool for free. It's free for users, easy to use, and can help you change your text into octal format.


Online Tools Arena

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