Binary to Decimal

Binary to Decimal

From 0s and 1s to Numbers

How Binary Differs from Decimal

To understand the real meaning of binary numbers, we need to compare them with the decimal system that you use every day. Each position in decimal represents a power of 10. For example, the number "237" in decimal can be broken down as follows:

2 x 10^2 (hundreds)

3 x 10^1 (tens)

7 x 10^0 (ones)

Binary, however, also follows the same principle--only powers of 2 are used. Let's take the binary number "101" as an example:

1 x 2^2 (fours)

0 x 2^1 (twos)

1 x 2^0 (ones)

The Conversion Process

From binary to decimal means that the binary number is broken down, each bit multiplied by its corresponding power of 2 and then summed up.

Breaking down the Binary Number

First, take your binary number and start with the rightmost bit. To each bit, correspondingly assign a power of 2. For example, let's convert the binary number "1101" to decimal:

1 x 2^3 (eights)

1 x 2^2 (fours)

0 x 2^1 (twos)

1 x 2^0 (ones)

Power of 2 Multiplication

Now that you have assigned the powers of 2, multiply each bit by its respective power:

1 x 8 = 8

1 x 4 = 4

0 x 2 = 0

1 x 1 = 1

Summing up the Results

Finally, sum up the results of these multiplications:

8+4 +01 = 13

Thus, the decimal number 13 is equivalent to binary "1101".

Binary to Decimal



Binary to Decimal Conversion Table


Binary Decimal
0 0
1 1
10 2
11 3
100 4
101 5
110 6
111 7
1000 8
1001 9
1010 10
1011 11
1100 12
1101 13
1110 14
1111 15
10000 16
10001 17
10010 18
10011 19
10100 20

How to Use Our Binary to Decimal Converter

  1. Input Binary Number: Enter your binary number in the designated field.
  2. Convert: Click the "Convert" button to process the binary number.
  3. View Results: The decimal equivalent will be displayed instantly.
  4. Reset: Use the "Reset" button to clear the input and start a new conversion.


How does the converter work?

The converter translates a binary number into its decimal form. When you input a binary number and press "Convert," the tool calculates the corresponding decimal value by summing the products of each binary digit (bit) multiplied by two raised to the power of its position.

Is the conversion accurate?

Yes, our binary-to-decimal converter uses reliable algorithms to ensure accurate and precise conversions every time you use it.

Can I convert large binary numbers?

Absolutely! Our converter can handle binary numbers of any length, making it suitable for both simple and complex conversions.

Why do I need a binary to decimal converter?

Binary numbers are the language of computers, but humans commonly use the decimal system. Converting binary to decimal can help in understanding and troubleshooting digital systems, programming, and various technical fields.


Online Tools Arena

Online Tools Arena is a Free Online Web tool and Converter. We Offer Online Free Content Writing & Text Tools, Images Editing Tools, Online Calculators, Unit Converter, Binary Converter, Website Management, Development Tools and many more.

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