HEX to Decimal

HEX to Decimal

Your Decimal Conversion Assistant

What is HEX?

The hexadecimal term in computer science is an important one. It represents a number system based on 16 rather than a normal 10. This plays an important role in digital technology to display numerical values in a more efficient manner than decimal systems.

HEX consists of 16 unique symbols:

There are numbers from 0 to 9, which are exclusive to decimals.

The letters A, B, C, D, E, and F show 10–15 in hexadecimal.

In the hexadecimal numbering system, digit values are 0–9 and A–F, increasing by a factor of 16.

What is a decimal?

Decimal is a system that is being used massively throughout the world because it's simple and most known. It consists of numbers from 0 to 9, with a length of ten digits. When we move from the right-sided digit to the left-sided digit within a decimal, each left-sided place value will be ten times bigger than the previous one.

The decimal number system is the basis of all arithmetic operations and unit conversions in our day-to-day lives.


HEX to Decimal Conversion Table


Hexadecimal Calculation Decimal
1 1 × 160 1
A 10 × 160 10
10 (1 × 161) + (0 × 160) 16
1F (1 × 161) + (15 × 160) 31
2A (2 × 161) + (10 × 160) 42
3B (3 × 161) + (11 × 160) 59
4C (4 × 161) + (12 × 160) 76
5D (5 × 161) + (13 × 160) 93
6E (6 × 161) + (14 × 160) 110
7F (7 × 161) + (15 × 160) 127
80 (8 × 161) + (0 × 160) 128
9A (9 × 161) + (10 × 160) 154
FF (15 × 161) + (15 × 160) 255

HEX to Decimal

HEX to Decimal Conversion Process

Basic Conversion Rules

Describing an HEX number to a decimal requires some understanding and comprehensive reading of the instructions; otherwise, it can prove to be hard. Here are the basic steps:

Assign Values: Use two arrays, one with HEX values and the second with decimal ones; map over these symbols to get the desired result. The numeric values from 10 to 15 correspond to the letters A, B, C,D,E, and F.

Right to Left: In order to convert the binary number into a decimal one, multiply each digit of the given binary number starting from rightmost (like 2^0, which is 1) The number of indexes starts from 0, thus the rightmost digit is in position (n-1)

Sum the Results: Add the values of each element obtained from step 2 to determine the decimal equivalent of a HEX number.

Conversion Example

Let's convert the HEX number 1A3 to its decimal equivalent:

Assign Values:

If the leftmost number on the number line in binary code is 1, it will represent 1 in decimal.

A is 10 in decimal.

The number 11 can be represented as 3 in decimal by only changing the last three bits.


calculate the value of Q, given R = 16.

To calculate the value of the given equation,.

256 + 160 + 3


The HEX number 1A3 is equal to 419 in decimal.



What is a hex-to-decimal conversion tool?

A hexadecimal to decimal conversion tool helps convert hexadecimal numbers (base 16) into decimal numbers (base 10). This is particularly useful for programmers and those working with digital systems.

How do I use the HEX to decimal converter?

To use the HEX to decimal converter, simply enter the hexadecimal number in the provided input field and click the "Convert" button. The tool will then display the corresponding decimal number.

Why is hexadecimal used in computing?

Hexadecimal is used in computing because it offers a more human-readable representation of binary-coded values. Each hex digit represents four binary digits, making it easier to read and understand large binary numbers.

Can I convert multiple HEX numbers at once?

The current tool supports the conversion of one hexadecimal number at a time. For multiple conversions, you will need to enter each hexadecimal number individually.

What are the common uses of hex to decimal conversion?

Common uses for HEX to decimal conversion include programming, debugging, memory addressing, and converting color codes in web design. Hexadecimal is often used to simplify the representation of binary data.

Are there any limitations to the HEX to Decimal tool?

The tool is optimized for typical use cases but may not handle extremely large hexadecimal numbers efficiently. Additionally, it is designed for straightforward conversions without support for batch processing.


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