Decimal to HEX
Hexify Your Decimals
What is a decimal?
Let's start with the basics. Decimal, which is also called the base-10 system, is the counting method we use every day in our lives. It consists of ten digits: zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine. These numbers are put together to show values. The place of a digit in a decimal number determines its worth. For example, in the number 456, four is for hundreds of places. Five and six are tens and ones, respectively.
What is HEX (Hexadecimal)?
HEX means hexadecimal, and it's a way to count things using the number 16. Unlike decimal, which has ten digits, HEX uses sixteen distinct digits: zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and nine. The letters A, B, C, D, and F are used in HEX. In these numbers, it tells us how much something is worth using the decimal system. But HEX gives a smaller way to show values. That makes it very useful in many areas.
Decimal to HEX Conversion
Decimal | HEX | Calculation | Example |
10 | A | 10 / 16 = 0 remainder 10 (A) | 10 in decimal is A in HEX |
15 | F | 15 / 16 = 0; remainder 15 (F) | 15 in decimal is F in HEX |
16 | 10 | 16 / 16 = 1 remainder 0 | 16 in decimal is 10 in HEX |
31 | 1F | 31 / 16 = 1 remainder 15 (F) | 31 in decimal is 1F in HEX |
255 | FF | 255 / 16 = 15 remainder 15 (F) | 255 in decimal is FF in HEX |
256 | 100 | 256 / 16 = 16 remainder 0 | 256 in decimal is 100 in HEX |
4095 | FFF | 4095 / 16 = 255, remainder 15 (F) | 4095 in decimal is FFF in HEX |
65535 | FFFF | 65535 / 16 = 4095, remainder 15 (F) | 65535 in decimal is FFFF in HEX |
1048575 | FFFFF | 1048575 / 16 = 65535, remainder 15 (F) | 1048575 in decimal is FFFFF in HEX |
How To Use Our Decimal to HEX Converter
Follow these simple steps to convert Decimal to hexadecimal using our tool:
- Put the Decimal number you want to change in the input box.
- Click the "Convert" button.
- Voila! Your number in decimal has now been changed to HEX. The HEX code will be shown on the screen.
Our tool makes it easy for everyone to change decimals into HEX without any problems.
Why is HEX used in web design instead of decimal?
Designers use HEXadecimal mainly because it's a short way to show colors in the popular RGB format, which is commonly used on screens. The HEX format is easier for designers and developers to use when writing color code for websites.
Can changing from decimal to hex be undone?
Yes, changing from decimal to hex and then back to decimal can be undone. If you have a HEX number, use the opposite way to change it back into decimal.
What is the highest number in a single sixteen-digit number?
In hexadecimal, one number can show options from 0 to 15 (0-9 and A-F). It's the same as using numbers zero through fifteen in decimal.